Beautiful article and reminder how necessary it is to nurture, consult and maintain the moral compass within us. More than that, this article got me thinking about the importance/necessity of passing on strong values and virtues to our children, who will probably need them more than any other generation before... I find bedtime is a great time to talk to my babies (aged 10 and 6) I leverage the fact that they don’t want to go to sleep and use it to talk about their day, their interactions and feelings and say some prayers. Hopefully it will help teach them some reflection skills and I do my best to give them honest and loving feedback. Some conversations go better than others, that’s for sure. Kids are funny little beings ❤️

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Passing on strong values to children so important especially with woke propaganda from schools bombarding them.

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So true! Good read doc!!

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I have been saying precisely the same thing for over two years. My ex decided to participate in the experiment and administer the mRNA jabs without any longitudinal studies or providing informed consent. He wilfully experimented on his fellow Canadians knowing there was no data to support such drastic measures, only inflamed rhetoric from government mouthpieces, big pharma $cientists and their accomplices in the media; therefore, his moral compass was broken... hence becoming the "ex".

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Apr 20, 2023·edited Apr 20, 2023

Thank you for sharing. A moral compass is what defines who we are as a person. We do not give into fear due to government mouthpieces and propaganda machines but we calmly use rational thinking and our moral compass to guide our steps and if we have true love in action then we can be confident it is for actual good and will help others.

Your ex being your ex actually sounds like what my moral compass would have directed me to do.

Very courageous of you. There was no Data to support the measures done during covid and the vaccines being hailed as the savior when careful research from the data SEC filings and Pfizer or Modernas own writings indicated it was experimental,and as such informed consent and any pushing and coercion was a crime. Any doctor who followed their medical code to do no harm was caught in an ethical dilemna with government and propaganda of fear here but their moral compass should have guided them in the right direction. Sadly that did not happen.

Just to make a point based on data and research. The children 12 to 17 in the vaccine medical trials there were deaths and injury. 86% of the children suffered an adverse event. One girl Maddie was made paralyzed and they called it a stomach issue. The cover up was huge. In Pfizers own words the 100 children in the study the findings could not give any credence to benefits vs risks. None. It was insuffucient to give a favorable benefit risk at that time. Yet kids were made blind paralyzed and died. Any doctor who pushed these experiments on children using these studies had a broken moral compass and their ethical code to do no harm was severely impaired. The adverse events that could happen included stroke myocarditis and pericarditis and death in Oct 2020 filing with the FDA to EUA these shots. Were kids dying from stroke blood clots myocarditis or having guillain barre with covid infection ? A resounding NO. It never changed the adverse events when EUA given to children 12 to 17 in which Canadian children in this age group were merciless cruelly and inhumanely mandated to take them to play sports go to movies and go on Trains and planes. Very dark time in our Country of Chinada. A name that now befits a country lead with no moral compass and with human rights abuses.

Thank you once again for this heartfelt comment as it helps us to appreciate we have great people out there with a moral compass and courage to make tough decision for humanity.

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Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words of support and your thorough response, I greatly appreciate it.

To expand on your comments, if citizens of the world would like to hear further stories and official testimony from experts and ordinary citizens alike, then they should go to the National Citizens Inquiry: https://rumble.com/user/NationalCitizensInquiryCA

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The NCI has to be the most relevant inquiry ever to be done. It has the most compassionate caring individuals with courage to boot.

The Canadian government and mainstream media ignore them. We know who would have hidden the Jews in Nazi Germany and it isn't anyone in the government or mainstream media.

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Thank you.... shared to gab.

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