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"Has your trust in some of our most important societal institutions been affected during the pandemic, either for the good or for the worse? "

Please explain to me how someone's trust for societal institutions could have been affected for the "good" or better, when we KNOW now (and some of us knew then) that NEVER in the history of this planet has an UNSEALED mask stopped the spread of a respiratory virus? And when I say unsealed, think anything other than hazmat. Yet our governments and medical industries as a whole INSISTED that we wear them, and in some cases arrested people that did not. And we now know that wearing masks for prolonged periods of time, puts us at risk of bacterial pneumonia. And it is our 'societal institutions' that forced these ridiculous things on our children.

Then we have the ridiculous idea that social distancing is a thing, and that standing 3 to 6 feet apart will some how protect you from a virus that we exhale as an aerosol and can travel 17.2 feet. But again, it was our societal institutions that forced this on us.

We then have the never ending lies that our governments and 'health authorities' kept getting caught in regarding the injections which do NOT meet the criteria of being classified as a 'vaccine'. They said it was tested and approved, and then admitted it was neither. They said it would prevent you from catching a corona virus, and then admitted it wouldn't. They said it would prevent you from passing it to someone else, and then admitted that that too was a lie. So in the end, accepting those injections offered no benefit other than you could avoid THEIR threats of isolating you and preventing you from working, traveling, and essentially surviving. On the flip side, we now KNOW that the mountain of studies, statistics and testimonials we have PROVE that the injections are DEADLY.

So back to my original question...how could anyone now trust our societal institutions more than before after they have been used as a weapon against us and our families?

What are you implying Barry when you say "We lose a significant part of our humanity when trust is eroded. If there has been such an erosion, no effort should be spared in trying to regain it."?

It almost sounds if you are suggesting we find a way to trust our governments, health authorities, and overall 'societal institutions' who are guilty of knowingly and in some cases unknowingly attacking us. Would you have suggested that the greater population including the Jewish community find a way to regain their trust in Hitler and his nazi party? Or the Russian people should have found a way to regain trust in Stalin, or the Chinese in Mao?

If history has taught us anything, it is that when those that we have allowed to be in power and control turn against 'we the people', and use our gov't's, militaries, and overall 'societal institutions' against us; we must not delay in coming together, rising up and removing them from their positions of power and control. And I am not just speaking about politicians and the puppets acting as our 'leaders'; but I am also speaking of those who hide in the shadows and have directing our leaders for over 245 years. We can know who they are by their public admissions, their published books and documents, and their consistent agenda against humanity. And that would be the Rothschild (formerly the Bauer family)/Rockefeller Klan and their Bilderberg goons i.e. Soros, Schwab, Gates and alike.

If you learn one thing from this, let it be that things are not as they appear. And know that there IS a very real agenda against humanity as a whole.

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