May I interject: There has been a COUP in Canada and we are a captured state. It will take the military to get us out of this. There is the danger. Like the Ukraine we are at the mercies of brutes and they have no mercy. If GOD opens a door I will step forward and do my die diligence for justice for all the elderly murdered. And now they went for our kids. I'm 70 I know of what I speak. Be Blessed.

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due diligence. sorry

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Thank you again for your words that seem to me propelled by your heart and woven by your mind, I am inspired by your new (to me) take on things. Too bad that in the last 3 years, what the world has typically called “nice” turned out to be meek. I weep and cringe and worry with you.

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Apr 20, 2023·edited Apr 20, 2023

I was just reading a substack regarding nazi Germany and Warsaw ghetto where typhoid started and spread and then the blaming of Jews as the spreader and then public health threats.

It speaks about how Germans and Jews lived in relative harmony. They worked for each other. Kids played together and they went to restaurants and clubs and played sports. So the focus is on the good German. A citizen who did nothing when 6 million Jews were slaughtered. They just let it happen. They were complacent and somebody else could hide the Jews. They were not putting themselves in harms way. Or they allowed themselves to become fearful and their neighbours including children being taken from homes and put in concentration camps for over a course of 5 to10 years to protect them might have been justified in their minds.

So who is the good German today? People who supported vaccine mandates and the firing of unvaccinated people or denying them school or movies with friends or sports? The doctors the politicians and friends and neighbour's and even family are they the good German who pushed mandates? Time to ask serious questions because it took 5 to 10 years of slowly conditioning people to horrible atrocities that allowed horrible atrocities to happen. Its an inconvenient truth but the truth.

If a vaccine is killing your family member or your neighbour's or co worker because it was mandated or health exemptions denied what part did you do to have that happened. Did you justify the firing of an unvaccinated. Did you applaud vaccine mandates and passports. Did you support denying loved ones coming to Canada who are unvaccinated or Canadians unvaccinated refused boarding planes and trains to see dying loved ones. If you supported mandates you need to ask yourself WHY. Then ask am I a good German of modern time? . Do I symbolize those who supported or did nothing. Did you applaud the media propaganda to get a vaccine for others? Get your shot so we're one step closer to normal? The unvaccinated are selfish and a public health threat thereby Ignoring that it was an experimental shot no long term safety data never tested on pregnancy and the children's vaccine trials was a sham. If you did support all the vaccine propaganda were you acting like a good German? You can read up on nazi Germany and you can decide how you want to act and who you represent as a person. One with a moral compass. I think that's very important. Remember the Nazi atrocities stated with a perceived health threat followed by locking them in and segregating them. Exactly what we saw in Canada during lockdowns then vaccine segregation and the steps used back in Nazi Germany to erode moral compasses and humanity.

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Apr 20, 2023·edited Apr 20, 2023

I listened to why you are not going to be at the NCI. I respectfully agree on the many principles used. I will though say that Ken Drysdale of therealfactsc19.com is a good choice and you might not agree but considering the fact were up against communist dictatorship mentality in Canada we need to have a person who thoroughly researched and sent much of it to police forces and the MPs in Parliament. That shows guts and courage and I just want to say most Canadians are not aware of conspiracy theories which are actually true. They are not conspiracies. If you think MK Ultra was bad there is way more and it's all true. The disgusting people who cover up.

With respect to the media the CBC says they are independent of lobbies and by political and economic influence. Bogus they are part of the Trusted News Initative which is in lockstep with political bias and bribery with money. They sent out the same news n lockstep with other news using exactly same type of words. They are not independant. Far from it. They were only at the Winnipeg NCI as Rodney Palmer eviscerated them in Toronto. Ed Dowd is going to be speaking in Vancouver and that brings real credibility with data to the NCI.

If people dont like conspiracy theory well the fact is within conspiracy is truth and former OPP Vincent G nicely exposed that. He was a detective and he uses those skills necessary to uncover truth.

A careful study of world events from the past shows a repeat of mistakes and evil from then still exists in the pursuit of power and control today. Parallels are there. Look at France Macron has circumvented Parliament and brought in pension reform. Now he brings in 200 special military. In 1933 the Chancellor circumvented the German Parliament and from there we know the rest and we just look at police and military during covid and mandating these experimental shots to see what can happen. Think it can't we now have Artificial Intelligence to do far more in a quicker time. Ai so disgusting that men can't comprend it but an elite at DAVOS outed it. That speaks volumes. Chinada is a great way to describe this country captured by human rights abusers and those who commit genocide.

We know the harms of these vaccine and families are reaping the horrors of it with dead loved ones and injured. Families losing the breadwinner. Kids losing parents. Parents losing kids and moms to be losing babies. There is no denial of the harms and these ones are not collateral damage. They are not victims of a tragedy of a virus. They are victims of a tragedy of a silent war. A war waged using fear and subversion of truth. A war waged by doctors with no moral compass and believe collateral damage is ok. Do no harm means nothing anymore. Ethics means nothing. If you have to bribe coerce threaten and then use consequences of job loss and freedoms to take a shot thats untested and rushed then what next do our coward doctors plan on supporting. Majority of the German doctors supported the Nazis. The nazis couldn't do what they did without support and using bribery and threats. Hiding the Jews a crime but killing them honorable. What evil subversion of humanity. Wake up call to every doctor or politician to rethink their positions and get the moral compass working again. 15 minute cities in China are controlled, You can't leave as your surveillance can stop it. Those 15 minute cities seem so great but the lockdowns of China like Shaghai where they locked citizens inside their Apts and people were burned to death is the vision of what is on the horizon. The covid debacle is your indicator of the human rights abuses. You don't think Canada wouldn't jail the unvaccinated then ask those in the Ontario government what one of their Ministers asked of the federal government. That is another signal.

Corruption runs rampant. It infiltrates every sector of society including medicine so if you think for one second they care about you and your family then you are in for a rude awakening. When they stood before you back in March 2020 and promised they cared the alarm bells of their corruption blasted. If you thought they were keeping your family safe and healthy then you are in for a rude awakening.

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