A brilliant, world travelled friend of mine is a Nurse Practitioner. During our visit a couple nights ago I asked her if she discusses the experimental nature of the vax or describes the risks of adverse events to the patients she injects. She looked at me dead in the eyes and said “I just follow the NACI guidelines and move on to the next person”. This woman is very, very aware of what is going on and what the vax truly is (even more than I am) but she has 3 young kids to support... this is what we are up against.

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The NACI is broken. They violated their oath. Dr Peter Njoo of PHAC said no to vaccine mandates and vaccine passports to work or travel. He is the chief epidemiologist with Public Health Canada alongside Theresa Tam They ignored him. The vaccine travel mandate lawsuits outed the political science behind vaccine mandates that created far more deaths and injuries to these experimental shots.

A great research is hydrogel.in the COVID vaccines MRNA and are they causing those rubbery white blood clots that don't show up on angiograms. Doctors and experts are baffled and since hydrogel never used in vaccines and novel for this novel COVID vax what is the hydrogel doing in arteries and organs? Think on hydrogel for wound healing and then what happens to it in the body and since it varies batch to batch that will explain why some don't have them. Maybe many do but they haven't caused issues yet and a 13 year old has had it. One fibrous white rubbery blood clot they actually call a cast was 2 feet long. A whistleblower from the catheter lab is outing it in real life people and they are 99% vaccinated and everyone is seeing the strange stuff and no one is doing anything.

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Best we can do is continue to speak about this to anyone who is willing to listen… and protect ourselves, our families/kids in the meantime. For those that can, buy a house with a basement and some land. Plant a garden. Pray and help those in need around us.

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Think of viscosity scale. The higher viscosity the thicker it is and harder for let's say blood to flow freely. So what is the hydrogel doing in the body of the vaccinated? Plaque in the arteries can be hard or soft. Caused by cholesterol. What is the hydrogel likened to plaque doing in the body. Thick rubbery substance being found in the dead by embalmers and living who have DVT embolisms and the doc has to vacuum them out. They are tough but have to come out or the patient dies. How many vaccinated have micro ones inside waiting to explode.

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Remind her of the young healthcare worker from Saskchewan 34 yrs old who died of a heart attack and had a young daughter. She wore the badge genocide ... I am a Healthcare worker who can't stay home. These stories are endless and there right from the beginning of the mass vaccination campaign. I saw so many.

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Sep 12, 2022·edited Sep 19, 2022

This is perfectly broken down and explained in a way that most people can understand. The question is...will those who NEED to reflect on these questions be willing to do so.

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